Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas-let’s be jolly

350 pis xmas house

Christmas is the season to be jolly, and most of us have a list of “should do’s”. But instead of fretting over the things we cannot do, let’s concentrate on what we can do, such as creating traditions for our family. We may need to do a little less, so that we may enjoy what we are able to accomplish more.

We are creating memories and traditions for our children to pass on. We don’t want our children to remember us dreading the holidays. Instead of trying to copy the gingerbread house on the cover of Good Housekeeping or Martha Stewart magazine, bake a few batches of Christmas cookies with the children. If you cannot afford to stock the advent box this year, skip it and focus on lovely items for the stockings. Cut back or eliminate Christmas cards for a year. There are things we can do to simplify the holiday season so we may enjoy ourselves, and the true meaning of Christmas.

Decorate the tree as a family, play Christmas music, sip hot chocolate, read a  Christmas story together every other night, play a game of scrabble or make Christmas cards (if it is something everyone enjoys). My youngest likes me to play in the snow with her, when we have it. What children enjoy  most is the giving of ourselves, a little bit of our time to create traditions.

Above all do not feel guilt about what you cannot do, buy or give. Focus on what we can do, not matter how simple it may be. Create traditions for yourself and your family. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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